Support. Empowerment. Fulfilment.

Bristol Black Carers has been supporting and empowering carers across the whole of Bristol for over 25 years by providing services which encompass their cultural background. We provide person-centred and holistic care, recognising and acknowledging that people from the Caribbean, Africa and Asia, who have vast social and cultural similarities and differences.

For every carer/service user, their situation and issues are important and unique for them thus the importance of us listening first. This simple action will to help them to identify and develop an action plan as they deem necessary.  

We advocate for the needs of carers/service users which impacts on their life with a knock on effect on the communities in which they live. We make sure their voices are heard at the local, regional and national levels. We provide the relevant services and signpost people to other organisations according to their need with follow up with the aim for a positive outcome. We assist each carer with their issue/situation according to their priority for example with applications for benefits, housing, homecare plans with Social Services, etc. 


Why a specialist service?

There are over 500,000 BAME carers in the UK. Yet, many do not even identify with the term "carer". It's natural and expected within those communities for families or friends to look after loved ones. Active outreach is needed to provide them with the assistance they undoubtedly need. 

A specialist service is required because organisations fail to recognise that anyone who is unwell requires the support of others to regain their health. The saying that “No one is an island” means that there are other people in the cared-for lives that need information to give the best support they can in their role as a carer.

Research shows that BME carers

  • Provide care for more hours and with less support than many of their counterparts from other communities, jeopardising their ability to earn a living

  • Save the state nearly £8 billion a year in social care expenses by caring for loved ones at home

  • Face additional challenges related to language barriers and cultural differences 

  • May have a mistrust of the authorities due to previous negative encounters


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