If you are a carer…
Your caring role might make you feel alone sometimes, but there is support available and people who can listen to you.
We help you to understand the funding and support available from the government and other organisations for carers.
Being a carer - looking after a loved one who is living with physical, medical or mental health issues - is a beautiful and generous act. Not everyone can provide care so we acknowledge you for dedication and also recognise that your caring role is additional to your position in the family as a mother, brother, etc or that of a friend. But caring for others is also challenging. We know all too well that it can be physically, emotionally and financially draining.
Bristol Black Carers is here to provide and support you to access the relevant services to address your need.
You are not alone as you may feel. Know that you can ask us questions so that you can find out what support is available.
Wellbeing for Carers
We are able to offer Carers some time away from their caring duties at home. Breaks could include theatre visits, attending stress related relaxation workshops and access to complimentary therapies. If you are a Carer who needs a little TLC, why not contact Bristol Black Carers for further information and take advantage of the treatments on offer!
We run monthly support group meetings which are held between 11am-1pm (lunch included) on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. They are opportunities for Carers and the cared for to listen to a presentation and/or participate in workshops from a diverse range of organisations and agencies on subjects such as understanding the welfare system, basic first aid tips and hints, housing issues and care home advice.
We provide face to face support and advice in homes, schools, day care centres and health centres.
Advice & Info
This service provides information, advice and support to BME carers and professionals – working with them in order that Carers, including young carers and parent carers, experience improved quality of life.
There is a drop-in service available during office hours, though it is best to call first to make an appointment. Alternatively you contact us by phone and we will be happy to discuss how we can help you.