Young Carers Action Day 2022

Young Carers Action Day 2022 is taking place on 16 March. This annual event is organised each year by Carers Trust.

It’s a day for raising public awareness of young carers and young adult carers, the pressures and challenges they face, and the incredible contribution they make by caring for their family members and/or friends.

The theme this year is ‘Taking Action on Isolation’.

Why is it important?

Young Carers Action Day encourages more action to support young and young adult carers and give them the extra bit of help they need to live full and healthy lives.

Having the right support in place – such as regular short breaks from caring - can be really beneficial, giving them a better chance of succeeding in all parts of their lives.

Who is considered a ‘young carer’?

For us at Bristol Black Carers, they are the children and young people under the age of eighteen years.

Though most adults feel that children and young people are not carers, they are - because caring is not only about physical acts of caring, but also emotional support.

Children and young people are present watching their parent/s or guardians struggle with their ill-health.

Appreciating young carers

To appreciate the role of young carers, it’s important to appreciate the effect on the child or young person, as they too are struggling emotionally and physically as the bear witness to the struggles of ill-health of their parents.

Do we consider that their psychological and educational development is affected?

We need to take notice of the children and young people who have caring roles that are not recognised by the systems around them.

Give the child support with a simple act of asking, “How are you?” then actively listen to what they have to say.

Do not brush off the child like we do in excluding them when decisions are being made that affect them.

All information should be relevant to their age and level of understanding.

Remember, that the caring role is most times not something we ask for but it happens when someone falls ill.

How you can help

The theme of #YoungCarersActionDay2022 is Taking Action on Isolation.

When Carers Trust spoke to young carers, they said they wanted support with feelings of isolation.

Therefore, the focus this year is to ensure that all young carers get the support and access to services they need to live full and varied lives alongside their caring roles.

Notice the signs

Do you have a know a young person who ‘flakes’ a lot? Is a classmate often absent from lessons?

They may be a young carer. You can learn more about who is considered a carer here.

Help us help them

We provide an invaluable service to Black and Ethnic Minority carers. At present we are funded primarily by Bristol City Council, with additional revenue from partnership bids and donations. Our community needs us, and in turn, we need your help to maintain and expand the services we offer them including:

  • helping them to understand complex medical information

  • guiding them through the process of accessing government services

  • providing respite through support groups and access to trips, activities and events

Your support, either in the form of a donation, a partnership or by volunteering your time, can help us to continue to be there for these communities.

Anndeloris Chacon